TDEE Calculator

Calculate your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) based on your level of physical activity.


Your TDEE (kcal/day):


Read explanation below


What is TDEE and How Calculate it?

TDEE Calculator

TDEE stands for Total Daily Energy Expenditure, which is the total amount of calories that a person burns in a day, including all daily activities and bodily functions. It is important to know your TDEE if you are trying to lose, gain, or maintain weight because it helps you determine how many calories you need to consume each day to achieve your goals.

To calculate your TDEE, you need to take into account the following factors:

  1. Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). This is the number of calories your body burns at rest to maintain basic bodily functions such as breathing, circulating blood, and regulating body temperature.
  2. Physical Activity Level (PAL). This is the number of calories you burn through daily physical activity, such as walking, running, and exercising.
  3. Thermic Effect of Food (TEF). This is the number of calories your body burns to digest and process the food you eat.

To calculate your TDEE, you can use an online calculator or follow this formula:


Here's how to calculate each of the components:

Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). This can be calculated using the Harris-Benedict equation, which takes into account your gender, age, height, and weight. The formula for men is:

BMR = 88.36 + (13.4 x weight in kg) + (4.8 x height in cm) - (5.7 x age in years)

The formula for women is:

BMR = 447.6 + (9.2 x weight in kg) + (3.1 x height in cm) - (4.3 x age in years)

Physical Activity Level (PAL). This is based on your level of physical activity throughout the day. There are different PAL values for different activity levels:

Sedentary (little or no exercise) = 1.2 Lightly active (exercise 1-3 times a week) = 1.375 Moderately active (exercise 3-5 times a week) = 1.55 Very active (exercise 6-7 times a week) = 1.725 Extra active (very hard exercise or physical job) = 1.9

Multiply your BMR by your PAL to get your daily calorie needs from physical activity.

Thermic Effect of Food (TEF). This accounts for the energy your body uses to digest and process the food you eat. It typically accounts for about 10% of your total calorie expenditure.

To calculate your TDEE, multiply your BMR by your PAL, then add your TEF to the result. The final number represents the number of calories you burn in a day.

It's important to note that TDEE is just an estimate, and it may vary based on individual factors such as genetics, hormone levels, and body composition. Tracking your food intake and adjusting your calorie intake based on your weight loss or weight gain goals can help you find the right balance for your body.

How to Use a TDEE Calculator?

Calculating your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) is an important step towards understanding how many calories you need to consume to achieve your fitness goals. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to use a TDEE calculator:

Determine your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). This is the number of calories your body burns at rest, to maintain basic bodily functions such as breathing and circulation. You can use an online BMR calculator to estimate your BMR based on your age, gender, height, and weight.

Determine your Activity Level. Your TDEE calculation should also take into account your activity level. The more active you are, the more calories you burn each day. Most TDEE calculators will ask you to select your activity level based on a scale from sedentary to very active.

Enter your information into the TDEE calculator. Once you have your BMR and activity level, you can input this information into a TDEE calculator. There are many free TDEE calculators available online that will automatically calculate your TDEE based on this information.

Adjust your calorie intake based on your goals. Once you have your TDEE, you can adjust your calorie intake based on your goals. If your goal is weight loss, you may want to consume fewer calories than your TDEE, while if your goal is weight gain, you may want to consume more calories than your TDEE. The TDEE calculator can provide an estimate of how many calories you should consume each day based on your goals.

Monitor your progress. It is important to monitor your progress over time and adjust your calorie intake as necessary. If you are not seeing the results you want, you may need to adjust your calorie intake or activity level to achieve your goals.

In summary, using a TDEE calculator can be a helpful tool to estimate how many calories you need to consume each day to achieve your fitness goals. By calculating your TDEE and adjusting your calorie intake based on your goals, you can make progress towards your desired outcomes.

Examples of Calculating TDEE

Here are three different examples of calculating TDEE (total daily energy expenditure):

Using the Mifflin-St. Jeor Equation

The Mifflin-St. Jeor equation is a commonly used formula to estimate TDEE. It takes into account your age, gender, weight, and height. Here's an example of how to use it:

Let's say you are a 30-year-old woman who weighs 150 pounds and is 5'5" tall. Your TDEE calculation would look like this:

TDEE = (10 x 68.04 kg) + (6.25 x 165.1 cm) - (5 x 30) - 161 TDEE = 680.4 + 1031.88 - 150 - 161 TDEE = 1400.28

So your estimated TDEE would be approximately 1400 calories per day.

Using the Harris-Benedict Equation

The Harris-Benedict equation is another formula commonly used to estimate TDEE. It takes into account your age, gender, weight, height, and activity level. Here's an example of how to use it:

Let's say you are a 40-year-old man who weighs 180 pounds and is 5'10" tall. You have a sedentary lifestyle, so your activity factor is 1.2. Your TDEE calculation would look like this:

TDEE = (88.362 + (13.397 x 81.65 kg) + (4.799 x 177.8 cm) - (5.677 x 40)) x 1.2 TDEE = (88.362 + 1095.299 + 854.592 - 227.08) x 1.2 TDEE = 2332.23

So your estimated TDEE would be approximately 2332 calories per day.

Using a TDEE Calculator

There are many online TDEE calculators that can do the math for you. Here's an example using one of these calculators:

Let's say you are a 25-year-old woman who weighs 140 pounds and is 5'6" tall. You have a moderately active lifestyle, exercising 3-5 days per week. You enter this information into an online TDEE calculator, which gives you an estimated TDEE of 2064 calories per day.

So your estimated TDEE would be approximately 2064 calories per day, as calculated by the online TDEE calculator.

TDEE Calculation Nuances

TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) is the number of calories your body burns in a day, including all physical activities and metabolic processes. To calculate TDEE, you need to consider several nuances, such as:

Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). BMR is the minimum number of calories required to keep your body functioning at rest. It is influenced by several factors, including age, sex, weight, and height.

Physical Activity Level (PAL). PAL is the factor that takes into account the calories burned during physical activities, including exercise, house chores, and daily routines.

Body Composition. Your body composition, such as muscle mass and body fat percentage, can influence your TDEE. Muscle burns more calories than fat, so the more muscle you have, the higher your TDEE will be.

Medical Conditions. Certain medical conditions, such as hypothyroidism, can affect your metabolism and, in turn, your TDEE.

Lifestyle Factors. Lifestyle factors such as stress, sleep, and nutrition can affect your TDEE. Chronic stress can increase cortisol levels, which can slow down metabolism, while poor sleep can affect hormone levels that control hunger and satiety.

Goal. Your TDEE can also be affected by your fitness goals, whether it's to gain muscle, lose fat, or maintain your current weight.

Overall, calculating TDEE requires a combination of factors specific to each individual, and it's important to be as accurate as possible to achieve your fitness goals safely and effectively.

TDEE Calculator vs Manual Calculation

TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) is the amount of calories that an individual burns in a day through various activities such as exercise, work, and basic metabolic functions. Calculating TDEE is important for people who are trying to lose weight or gain muscle as it provides a baseline for determining their daily calorie intake.

There are two ways to calculate TDEE: manually or by using an online TDEE calculator.

Manually calculating TDEE involves using a formula such as the Harris-Benedict equation, which takes into account factors such as age, gender, height, weight, and activity level. This method requires some math skills and may take some time to get an accurate result. However, it allows for a more personalized calculation that takes into account individual factors.

On the other hand, using an online TDEE calculator is a quick and easy way to determine TDEE. All that's required is entering some basic information such as age, gender, weight, height, and activity level, and the calculator will provide an estimated TDEE. This method is less time-consuming and requires less effort than manual calculation.

Overall, both methods can be efficient, but the best option depends on the individual's preference and situation. If someone wants a more personalized TDEE calculation, manual calculation may be the better choice. However, if someone wants a quick estimate, an online TDEE calculator may be the more efficient option.

❓ TDEE Calculating FAQs

And of course, it`s worth answering some questions that arise during the calculations.

What is TDEE and why is it important?

TDEE stands for Total Daily Energy Expenditure, which is the total amount of calories your body burns in a day including physical activity, digestion, and resting metabolic rate. TDEE is important because it is the basis for determining how many calories you need to consume in order to maintain, lose or gain weight.

How is TDEE calculated?

TDEE calculation involves using a mathematical formula that takes into account your basal metabolic rate (BMR), activity level, and thermic effect of food. The most commonly used formula to calculate TDEE is the Harris-Benedict equation, which considers factors such as age, gender, weight, height, and activity level.

Why does activity level affect TDEE?

Activity level plays a significant role in determining TDEE because it accounts for the energy expended through physical activity. Someone who leads a sedentary lifestyle will have a lower TDEE compared to someone who is more active. Therefore, it is important to accurately assess your level of physical activity when calculating TDEE.

Can TDEE change over time?

Yes, TDEE can change over time due to factors such as changes in weight, age, and activity level. For example, as you age, your BMR may decrease, which can cause a decrease in TDEE. Conversely, increasing physical activity or gaining muscle mass can increase TDEE.

Is TDEE the same for everyone?

No, TDEE is not the same for everyone. TDEE is influenced by factors such as age, gender, weight, height, and activity level, which vary from person to person. Therefore, it is important to calculate your own TDEE to ensure that you are consuming the appropriate amount of calories to achieve your health and fitness goals.

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