Plaster Consumption Calculator

Calculate the consumption of various types of gypsum or concrete plaster for walls per square meters of a room.

Surface Length
Surface Width
Layer Thickness
Bag Weight


Volume: 0.13 m³
Weight: 125 kg
Bags: 5 pcs

Read explanation below


What is plaster consumption and how to calculate it?

Plaster Consumption Calculator

Plaster consumption refers to the amount of plastering material needed to cover a particular surface area, usually measured in square meters (m²). The consumption rate varies depending on the plaster brand, its consistency, the surface quality, and the desired thickness of the application.

Understanding the consumption rate is essential as it helps in budgeting, avoiding wastage, and ensuring a consistent finish. Moreover, different surfaces and conditions might require varying amounts of plaster.

To estimate the amount of plaster needed, you can use the formula: Plaster Consumption = Area to be covered (m²) x Recommended thickness (mm) x Plaster density (kg/m³).

How to use the Plaster Consumption Calculator?

Our online Plaster Consumption Calculator is designed to simplify your calculations and provide you with an accurate estimation. Here`s a step-by-step guide:

1. Measure the area: Get the length and height of the wall to find the surface area.

2. Choose the plaster type: Different plasters (e.g., gypsum or concrete-based) have different consumption rates.

3. Input the desired thickness: Depending on the wall condition and desired outcome, decide on the thickness you want.

4. Consider any openings like windows or doors, as these won`t need plastering. Subtract their areas from the total.

5. Click on 'Calculate' to get the estimated amount of plaster needed.

6. Always buy a bit extra to account for possible mistakes or inconsistencies.

7. Remember to wear safety equipment while working!

Examples of plaster consumption calculations

Understanding plaster consumption can be made easier with some real-world examples. Let`s dive into a few scenarios:

Example 1: The Beginner`s Blunder
John, trying his hand at DIY home renovation, has a wall of 10m². The recommended thickness is 10mm, and the plaster density is 1.3kg/m³. Using the formula, John realizes he needs 130kg of plaster, not the 300kg he initially bought!

Example 2: Sarah`s Studio
Sarah, renovating her studio, has walls totaling 50m². The plaster density is 1.2kg/m³, and she wants a thickness of 12mm. With a quick calculation, she figures she'll need 720kg of plaster. Always the perfectionist, Sarah buys 750kg, just to be safe.

Example 3: Granny`s Garden Gazebo
Granny wants to plaster her garden gazebo`s inner walls. The area is 20m², the plaster density is 1.1kg/m³, and she prefers a thickness of 8mm. Granny calculates she needs 176kg, but being ever thrifty, she scouts for deals and finds just the right amount on sale!

Nuances in calculating plaster consumption

While the formula provides a basic understanding, some nuances can affect your plaster consumption:

1. Wall surface: Rougher walls might need more plaster to achieve a smooth finish.

2. Plaster type: Gypsum plaster may have a different consumption rate than concrete-based ones.

3. Application method: Manual application may use more plaster compared to machine-based techniques.

4. Experience level: Beginners might waste more plaster than professionals.

5. Climate conditions: Plastering in wet or humid conditions may affect consumption.

6. Curing process: Ensure adequate curing to avoid cracks which might require more plaster later.

7. Wall anomalies: Walls with lots of imperfections might consume extra plaster.

8. Future paint/plastering: If repainting or re-plastering is in the plans, consider that when calculating.

9. Wastage: Always account for some waste due to spillage or mistakes.

10. Drying time: Some plasters require longer drying times, potentially affecting the project timeline and consumption.

Frequently Asked Questions about plaster consumption calculations

What is the average thickness for wall plastering?

Typically, the average thickness for wall plastering ranges between 10mm to 15mm. However, this can vary based on the wall condition and desired finish.

Can I use the same plaster for both interiors and exteriors?

Not all plasters are suitable for both interior and exterior use. Some are specifically formulated for indoor use, while others are more durable for outdoor conditions. Always check the manufacturer`s recommendations.

How do I know the density of the plaster?

The density of the plaster is usually mentioned on the product bag or the manufacturer`s website. If not, you can contact the manufacturer directly.

Can I plaster over old plaster?

Yes, you can plaster over old plaster, but the surface needs to be cleaned, free from loose particles, and sometimes primed to ensure good adhesion.

How long should I wait before painting over fresh plaster?

It`s recommended to wait at least a week for the plaster to fully dry. The drying time can vary based on the plaster type, thickness, and ambient conditions.

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